DOTA 2 play mechanism
The basics you need to know in DotA 2 are:
- Right click to walk and attack
- Press F4 to open shop and buy goods
- Press A then left click on our team creep that will already die for deny
- A can also be used to attack (right-click replacement)
- Press S to stop the action to be performed (use S as much as possible to get last hit easily)
- Right click on the minimap will make your pahlawan run as well
- Left click on map will direct you to the location you clicked
- Always place your left hand on the QW E and R keys
- If your blood / HP is very low, go back to your fountain immediately
- Always check the scoreboard to see enemy level, in level 6 in general pahlawan already have the ultimate.
- Always paying for items, items in DotA 2 are made from many items, now buy the small items and then build them into big items
- Every minute you get gold as much as 100 unreliable gold called periodic gold
- Every time you die, you will lose 30 x the level of pahlawan unreliable gold, while reliable will remain
- You always have the option to buyback, ie when you die can live again by paying, use buyback as best as possible, usually a buyback player when the team is almost lost and need it
- Use ALT + Left Click to ping or notify your friends, ALT + Left click is an exclamation mark, ALT + CTRL + Left click is to ping the ban
- ALT is a very informative button, you can press ALT + left-click to enemy pahlawan photos to let them disappear, to enemy items to notify friends of items owned by enemies, to the item or skill we have to tell us that we are ready or Have those skills and more, try-try using ALT + Left click anywhere.
- If you disconnect, but do not leave the game, not accidentally more than 5 minutes, then you are considered to leave the game or abandon. After a few times your abandon will be placed in a low priority queue where you can only play on All random mode and will not get battle points.
- If you abandon the game deliberately, you will also get abandon
- Every time there are people abandon then the game to be safe to leave, whoever abandon first then he is the abandon and abandon who leave after there is no masalah and become an option to keep playing or not
- If someone abandon before there first blood, then game will not scored or not counted as game, if happened like this better leave game only.
- There is also a safe to leave caused by server crashes, its games are usually not scored and better leave it
- The person who is considered AFK or away from keyboard is someone who does not get XP more than 5 minutes, and he will be considered abandon
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