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How To Win The Dark Moon in Dota 2

Soon, the Dark Moon event will be over soon. Someone can already beat the Giant Invoker at level 15, some are not yet. How about you? Well, this time we will discuss how the hell how to beat the Dark Magus at level 15?

Good Hero Composition

The most important thing at the beginning of the game is how to compose your satria well. Starting from the damager, tanker, and satria who really help the team. This is behind Valve adding the existing satria pool to be more.

Play Party Looks Better

With the consideration of the previous thing, make a lot of people prefer to play party rather than solo. At least, when the party is easier to coordinate, is not it? And most people can at least touch level 15 at party rather than solo.

Kill the Master First

Who is the master? That is the satria who usually "strengthen" Warlock for the example.

Take Chicken

Yes, take advantage of rounds 5 and 10 very well. Because here where you have savings to ease the way to round 15 and of course to "Dark Moon Averted."
Stick When Needed

There are times where you have to stick in a certain round and give up the destroyed tower. Yes, this is because of the more backward, some enemies are very strong and force us to stick and stick together. Tower? You can lose all the towers as long as the Temple is still standing right? So, just stick and calm.

Make Sure All Players Item Is The Best Item

The duduk perkara of the items certainly vary because pick satria will also be different later on. What is clear, for the quota to your team, who should create items a, item b, or item c.
Give Space to your Damage

Hero like Sniper will certainly need space to give maximum damage when others try to become a tank while assisted support. Especially when in round 15, you will be able to feel damage must be able to really give damage freely to the boss

Well, if everything is ready to be practiced, it's good you know this fact that The Grand Magus does not have magic resistance. So, take advantage of it to give magical damage to the giant boss.

Have any of you ever won this one event? If you have, please share the tips because later we will enter the tips in this article  complete with your name

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