Terms in DOTA 2 (Dictionary)

The terms you need to know in Dota 2
- AFK (away from keyboard): means the pendekar is an unmoved hero
- AoE (area of effect): means a spell that affects a particular area of a given radius
- Back / b: means that we should retreat, the person who said that decided not to come forward and invite us backward
- Backdoor: means tower that has a backdoor and we need creep wave to destroy it
- BKB: means black king bar, one item for spell immune
- Buff: means something that adds positively to the hero, usually marked with an icon above the health bar
- Buyback / BB: ie pay for life back
- Cooldown / CD: means a skill or item is in cooldown time and can not be used
- Creep score / CS: means last hit and deny we have
- Damage per second / DPS: means a given damage every second
- Debuff: the opposite of debuff, ie negative status on hero
- Def: means we have to defend a building
- Farm: collecting gold and XP
- Feeder: means people/players who often die and give XP and gold to the enemy
- Gank: attack the enemy together
- Gold per minute / GPM: gold you get every minute
- GG (good game) or GGWP (good game well played): means declaring a good game, usually said at the end of the match
- GLHF (good luck have fun): statement for good luck
- HEX: disable enemy, for example 2 lion skill that makes enemy become fish
- INC / incoming: coming soon
- Minion: units that you can control
- Miss / missing: means something is missing in the lane (enemy hero)
- Micromanagement / micro: control of many units, for example Meepo and Lone Druid
- Snowball: a term for pressure on an aggressive enemy team
- OOM (out of mana): means where out or less
- Pull: pulls creep lane into neutral creep so lane creep not pushing and let carry farm
- Roshan / RS: means roshan, neutral creep in the dire area below
- Smoke: means smoke of deceit item
- Tower dive: means attacking an enemy that is close to the tower
- TP: town portal scroll, used for teleport
- True sight: means unlimited vision, can see invicible enemy
- Ulti / SS: means ultimate, the last strongest pendekar skill
- Wipe: means a team is all dead
- WP, well played: means a good game
- XP: means experiences
In addition there are more languages that usually appear in DotA 2, and additional on the server Asia
- GTFO: it means he does not want the disabled person to be here
- STFU: means he wants the person in charge to be silent
- Noob: means a new player (newbie) who usually lacks know how to play the right one
- Retard: people who are considered underdeveloped
- Report: means to report someone to the valve for tires
- Lag / spike: means a disruption in connection or fps that makes players play poorly
- Ping: is how far you are from the server (the smaller the better)
- KS: kill steal, meaning the person who has been charged with taking the kill of the person who is saying, can also be spelled out
- WTF: what the fuck means the person is shocked or confused about something (while angry)
- G: means go or forward
- Fat: means a pendekar that many farm / kill and become very strong
- Tangina: pinoy rough language 1
- Bobo / bogo: pinoy rough language 2
- Kanga: rough language pinoy 3 (note: if you've seen people talking 3 rough language pinoy gini on your team,
- Cyka: crude language russia 1
- Blyat: russian rough language 2
- REKT: wrecked is tormented
- Baby hero: pendekar is considered very easy to play
- EZ: means easy or easy, usually for mockery
- Fail mid: means mid that failed in early and make team lose
- W8: can we mean as wait or wait
- M8: means mate or friend
- There are also some commonly used abbreviations
- Naix: lifestealer
- Bs: bloodseeker
- Sf / nevermore: shadow fiend
- Mortred: phantom assassin
- Davion: Dragon Knight
- Coal / westhrum: Spirit breaker
- Skeleton king: Wraith king
- Magina: Anti-Mage
- Furion: Nature's prophet
- Ball / wisp: IO
- Lanaya: templar assassin
- Zues: zeus
- Fishboy: Slardar / Slark
- LC: legion commander
- Yunero: Juggernaut
- Traxex / xex: Drow ranger
- Windrunner: Windranger
- Dirge: Undying
- Gondar: Bounty hunter
- Chuck Norris: Omniknight
- Ck: chaos knight
- Ice: earth shaker / earth spirit
- MKB: monkey king bar
- MoM: mask of madness
- Vlad: Vladimir's offering
- Aghs: aghanim scepter
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